FEATURE ARTICLE: Speeding Ticket? How to Fight for Savings
It’s a classic scenario: You’re cruising at 10 miles over the speed limit. You think you’re going with the flow of traffic when you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror. A few minutes later, you’re holding a $325 speeding ticket.
MONEY SAVING TIP: Cool and Heat Your Home Efficiently
Cool your home at 78 F or warmer with the thermostat fan switched to auto. For additional savings, raise your thermostat to 82 F or warmer when you’re away.
DID YOU KNOW…That You Can Save by Asking for a Home Energy Survey?
Taking a free Home Energy Survey is a great way to find out the energy efficiency of your home. If you qualify, an energy xpert will inspect your home and provide valuable tips on how to maximize your home’s energy-efficiency, as well as…