If you have Payday Loans that you are struggling to repay or are caught up in the seemingly never ending cycle of renewing loans, DMCC can help.
DMCC has had much success in setting up repayment plans of 6 to 12 months with Payday Loan lenders providing borrowers payments they can afford and relief from harassing collection calls. If you have more than one Payday Loan, we can consolidate all your loan payments into one lower monthly payment that will be distributed to each of your lenders.
DMCC is not a lender but can assist you in getting repayment terms from your lender.
- Minimum repayment period is 6 months, Maximum repayment period is 12 months.
- Maximum Loan Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 0% and Loan Fees are $0.00.
- For example, if you have a $1000 payday loan, DMCC can setup a 12 month repayment plan for $93.33/month including our fees of $10/month for a total $1120.
If you are a FLORIDA RESIDENT with Payday Loans, DMCC can also get you a 60 day deferment on your loan repayments under the State of Florida Payday Advance Law ( CLICK HERE for more information ).
Complete the application below or call (866) 618-3328 today to speak with a Certified Credit Counselor and get a free no obligation quote.