Our credit counseling services can help you gain control of your financial situation.
We are a non profit debt consolidation and credit counseling organization committed to educating consumers on financial issues and providing personal assistance to consumers who have become overextended with debt. Our certified credit counselors provide personal assistance through free budget counseling and debt management plans to lower credit card interest rates and monthly payments.
DMCC Programs
Credit Score Analysis DMCC can show you step-by-step how to increase your credit score with its Credit Report Analysis service. LEARN MORE
Debt Management Plans (DMP) Our DMP program is designed to eliminate or reduce high interest rates, consolidate your debt payments, eliminate over-limit charges and late fees, stop collection calls and payoff your accounts within 5 years or less. LEARN MORE
Foreclosure Prevention and Loan Modifications Our Foreclosure Prevention Program will provide you a written plan of action with a recommended solution to avoid foreclosure based on your personal situation. LEARN MORE
PayDay Loan Deferment We can negotiate a repayment plan with your lender for a payment you can afford and consolidate all your loan payments into one lower monthly payment. LEARN MORE
Pre-Bankruptcy Counseling and Education DMCC can provide you the pre-filing counseling and post-filing education certificates required. LEARN MORE
Reverse Mortgage Counseling DMCC is an Approved Housing Counseling Agency by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) counseling. HECM loans, commonly known as reverse mortgages, provide seniors 62 years or older the ability to obtain lump sums or monthly annuities utilizing the equity in their homes. LEARN MORE