Struggling to repay your federal student loans?
Contact DMCC today and find out what your options are for relief . . .
If you are struggling to repay your federal student loan debt, there may be options available that can provide you the relief you need. The options available to you depend on the type of loans you have, your current finances, your student loan history, and even your employment. Your options may include:
A DMCC counselor will review your outstanding student loans to determine your available options and provide you a recommended course of action. The U.S. Department of Education offers these programs to borrowers at no charge, but you must complete and submit the required forms and documents to obtain the program desired. You may choose to do this yourself or retain DMCC to assist you for a fee.
DMCC Student Loan Services Featured on TV!!
Additional Information and Resources
Student Loan Consolidation Factors to Consider
Student Loan Consolidation Eligibility